Sunday, August 30, 2009


"I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."
-Author Unknown (To me, anyway)

I don't know what, if anything, this space will hold. If I write frequently, recurring themes will likely include politics, history, self-reflection/improvement, science, economics, education, entertainment, and social norms. For now, I'll introduce myself in this post and the biographical areas of this page.

The most accurate description of my current vantage point in life is the title: Liberal. If I didn't believe it was the most reasonable view of life, I wouldn't ascribe to it. Therefore, I'll likely spend a great deal of time arguing for liberal views of life and against others. Like any human being, however, my views and opinions will change as I age, mature, and experience life. While this blog will hold me accountable for anything I write in it, I'd like to acknowledge and bring attention to the fact that I'm aware of my fallibility, biases, and incomplete data sets. Should I attract any followers, please know that I welcome your criticism and any information or reasoning you can bring to my attention.

I'm going to fill in the margins of this page before I begin posting. When I do start posting, or if, there will initially be a great deal of linking to other pages and critiques or endorsements of other writers. It will take some time to find my voice.

So, that's me in a tiny, tiny nutshell. I welcome you to this blog, a small window on my life, and apologize if I bore you.

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